Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Time

So, we put up our tree yesterday! :) I love this time of year. It's sad it only lasts for a month! Karson of course doesn't really know what's going on, but Caden had lots of fun. Last night I had wrapped a lil over half the presents and today he helped me by putting the bows on. At first he thought all the presents were for him, but I had to tell him that some were for Karson and mommy and daddy. Then we had a game of trying to guess what each present was. And then finally we decorated our Christmas ornaments. Norm made a really cool one with a christmas tree on one side and all our names on the other. And Caden got very creative with his. I will cherish this ornament for many years, especially when he gets older and doesn't care as much for it.
Now we're sitting here watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Gotta say, it's a pretty cute movie! :)

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