Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So, I am so happy and blessed right now in my life. My parents bought our tickets for us to be able to fly home for Christmas. We're able to visit for almost 3 weeks between our two families. Right now I'm staring at Norm and Tim (my brother) play on the Wii that my parents bought for Christmas. They opened the present early so that we could play on it.
It is truely funny and I need to download pics so I can show them off!
On a good note I've had an awesome time going shopping with Granny and spending time with my family. But on a bad note Karson's been sick.
He's been throwing up and running a fever all day. It's horrible.
Tomorrow is mine and Norm's anniversary. 4 yrs together... seems like just yesterday I was walking down the aisle, but on the other hand I feel like we've been together our whole lives! My parents bought us a hotel room and grandparents gave us money to go out to eat. SO we're planning on having a good time tomorrow!!! :D
I think that's it for now. Can't think of anything else.
I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and my family is very appreciative of those who are serving our country and sacrificing so much!
