Saturday, November 28, 2009

All About Me

Ok, so this is my first post. :) My name is Leslie. I'm 23yr old Army wife and mommy! :) I'm married to the love of my life. Dec 23, 2005. I've known him since I was in 7th grade, but we never dated until after high school. We have 2 boys together. Caden Ray and Karson David. Caden was born June 18, 2006 (father's day) and Karson was born March 14, 2009 (my birthday) We're thinking of having more kids, but not too sure yet.
I am blessed to be able to stay at home with my boys. I'm so glad I'm able to care for them and not have to work and have someone else do it. Sure sometimes it's tough and they stress me out, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Norm (my hubby) is an ENT tech (ears, nose, and throat) but before that he was a combat medic. We've gone through one 15 month deployment, and I'm not going to lie, it was pretty tough. But it was awesome for our marriage. We were closer afterwards then ever before. I can honestly say I know more love in one homecoming then some people know in their whole lifetime! :)
Um... a little more about me... I love music! I've had 12 yrs of lessons, and now I'm giving them. I have 2 yrs of college towards my music education degree and I'd love to be able to finish that some day soon.
I hate cleaning... I know, it comes with the territory, but my gosh... it's so redundant!
I love sports. I played basketball in high school and college. Even won a National Championship. :) I also love running and riding bikes, and playing tennis. I ran track and cross country in high school. I really hated it then, but I was good. State qualifier in track all 4 yrs and 3 yrs for cross country.
I do however, HATE to watch football on tv. It seems that is the only thing that happens to be on my tv though on saturdays and sundays! Is the season almost over yet?!?
Well, I think that's about it. That's all of me in a nutshell! :)

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